
Alcoholics Anonymous

AA meets every Thursday at 5:00 P.M. in the meeting room. At First UCC Tipton


Caring and Conversations

  The Caring and Conversations Grief Support Group meets the second Thursday of each month.

Joyce Coppess is facilitating this group with Pastor Kerri assisting. 
   Anyone dealing with any sort of grief is invited. This could be grief associated with a death, job loss, relationship, etc… This will be a place where the name says it all - lots of caring along with conversation. 
   If you have any questions, please call the office. 

Caregivers Support Group

Every first and third Thursday of the month at 10:00 a.m., we are offering a Caregivers Support Group.

It will provide a safe space for those who are providing care for others.  Please just come to the Fireside Room at the church on Thursday to join. 

If you have questions, please talk to Nancy Hipple or Pastor Kerri.

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